Hey there ***FIRST_NAME***!

How's your autumn going so far?! We hope all is well with you.

Beautiful Nourishing Oils

We just want to give a shout out to oils, as they are such an essential component of skincare, especially as the winter months creep in. Oils help keep our skin hydrated and offer a barrier against the harsh wind and cold we face during the colder months.

As we've said in previous newsletters, some oils are marketed as more superior to others. But the truth is that they all have their unique benefits: it's not that some oils are better than others; it's just that different oils have different offerings.

beautiful natural oil

For example, Camelia oil is rich in antioxidants (so we add it to our Men's After Shave oil), Jojoba oil resembles skin's natural sebum and feels so smooth on application (and it feels amazing in the day facial oil), Pomegranate Seed oil helps promote skin regeneration (which is why we include it as part of the night facial oil) formula.

You will find that all the oil products in the Men's and Skincare range have 3-4 different oils in the ingredients. This is because we believe a combination of carefully selected oils is more beneficial than just one oil.

For this week, until Sunday 5 May, you can stock up on facial oils for two for just $40 for the combo. 😊


>>> If you have time we would love for you to leave us a Google Review :)

Cheryl and Wayne


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