No3 Blog

Voluntary Shutdown not Compulsory Meltdown

Annual Shutdown take a break

With 45 per cent of the year under our belts, 2019 has flown by and left a lot of us wondering “how, where, why, wait what!?!” With that much of the year gone already, we all might need a breather at some point, to come up for air.

meltdown pic for bolg 4_pexels

And it’s at the 53 per cent mark of the year – or 11 July – that the No3 team will call Time Out for two weeks. Our annual shutdown is just a short two-week period, deliberately timed during winter, so that we can ensure we are open throughout New Zealand’s traditional summer holiday period.

The main reason for the shutdown is to prevent our team – and the business – from having a meltdown. Busy has become a state of ‘normal’ now, so a planned – even forced – shut down is necessary for the health of No3.

Over the past two years we have had to overcome feelings of guilt and worry about not being open 24/7 for our retail and wholesale customers. But nearly everyone gets it, so we have been able to let that guilt feeling go (mostly!).

We will be back on board on 28 July; in the meantime, we are still here for you, so stay in touch and you know how to contact us between now and 11 July. And remember we have a load of amazing stockists around the country as well.

We are super excited that after the shutdown we will have a series of new product launches and offerings for you, through to the end of the year.

If you’re feeling tired, blah, overwhelmed and/or frantic – maybe take some ‘me-time’ for yourself and your family. Yeah, it often feels inconvenient to take a break; but once things are booked in, life often takes care of itself. Better a voluntary shutdown than a compulsory meltdown.



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