No3 Blog

The Worst Question You Can Ask Us

Natural Deodorant no animal testing

We’ve had loads of weird and wonderful questions over the years, and we love people getting in touch with us!

But the one question that will stop us in our tracks is this… “Are your products tested on animals?”

no animal testing on No3 products

And no matter how many times we get asked, that question always prompts the same response – a combination of disbelief, a sort of confusion and a despondent “what?!”

You see, the thought that any skincare or cosmetic is tested on animals is completely abhorrent to us, as individuals, and as a company. Animal testing is still widespread across the industry and across big brands. It’s fabulous when companies choose to stop the practice, but it’s a bit ironic when they proclaim their morality for stopping. It’s like a bully beating up on people, and then seeking accolades for deciding to be a decent human being.

No3 products are natural and plant based, or vegan if you prefer that term. Across the entire range of soaps, skincare and deodorant, we have done a truckload of testing on ‘lab skin’ essentially No3 staff, friends and willing volunteers.

Our testing is critical and necessary before we take anything to market - to test for sensitivities, application, customer preferences, etc, etc.

At no point is it EVER necessary to test on an animal. What would they say anyway? “This moisturiser is great on my fur and the deodorant really works well on my hind legs.” Yep, completely unnecessary and inappropriate test subjects.

We also rely on our customers and the incredible common sense they all have! For example, we all know that if we put natural soap in our eyes it won’t harm us, but it will sting. We don’t need Peter Rabbit or the Three Blind Mice squirming to let us know this well-known fact.

The only time animals are ever used in the world of No3 is for hugs.

pushkins No3 cat


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