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The Power of the List
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At the risk of sounding really boring, The List is an exciting part of my day! As I write this Blog on a cold and dreary Monday morning I am grateful that my list for today was already written yesterday. If not, I might waste an hour pondering the most important jobs to do today, and then just react to the things that crop up.
I like to warm up into the week, just as I warm up for a hard swim or run training session. So, beginning each Monday with a few quick wins and easy-to-do tasks sets me up well for the day, and the week ahead. I’ve already accomplished a few things by early morning. Yay! And ALWAYS make the bed first!
I’ve found that running my own business, it's especially critical to be organised - it’s easy to get stuck into response mode and not structure your day efficiently. Then you’re at the end of the day, been rushing around a million miles an hour doing lots of ‘stuff’ and not sure where the time has gone. This is where The List comes into play. And strangely enough, the more prioritised items on my list, the more I accomplish - funny that! And for me, there’s a positive correlation between jobs achieved and mood.

Everyone’s lists look different, with different priorities. Mine is always colour coded, with times, for categories like:
- Run or swim;
- kids, school stuff;
- product R&D and formulation;
- manufacture;
- customer care;
- orders in and out;
- admin and accounts;
- marketing, etc, etc.
Each tick against a job completed creates a little bit of joy.
The List means I give myself a better chance of staying focused through the day, gives me a greater sense of clarity and purpose – and because my day becomes more effective, I get way more done. I even get more time at the other end for the most important thing on The List – my delicious family 😊. And not achieving everything is no biggie - move it over to tomorrow and put it to the top of the list!
Monday morning Blog completed – tick!
Cheryl Lewis - Co-owner No3 Ltd