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Not Chemical Free
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Welcome to the first edition of the No3 Blog!
Why would we claim that our natural skincare and deodorant products are chemical free?? We wouldn't.
We want to provide you with useful and helpful information on a range of topics, and it’s our intention that this will be an ongoing part of what we do. Our measure of success will be if we achieve one or more of the following:
- You actually read the Blog!
- You learn at least one fact you didn’t know before.
- Some value has been added to you after having read the Blog.
- You share the blog with others.
We're starting with a pretty straight forward topic – Chemicals.
The key point here is that we will never claim that No3 products are “chemical free”. To say a product is chemical free is a misnomer – in fact, it is outright misleading. But unfortunately, the term “chemical-free” has become a go-to phrase in marketing natural products.
Every single element, substance and solution on earth and in the air is composed of chemicals. The confusion has arisen through the fact that some chemicals occur naturally, while some can be manufactured artificially in a lab. They are all still chemicals – it’s just that one is natural and the other is synthetic.
As an aside, there is a condition called chemophobia – where a person has an aversion to chemicals or chemistry. Based on what I’ve said above, and the fact we are made of chemicals, this is quite a far-reaching phobia!
So why choose “Not Chemical Free” for our first Blog?
It’s really to let you know that our objective is to be honest with our customers. Excuse my language, but we really want to cut-the-crap when it comes to making claims that are untrue and wrong.
There are many keyboard scientists in the world now, and we want to ensure we provide you with honest, factual, scientifically-based information. After all, our products are scientifically formulated; and we combine natural chemicals based on our research and development to provide you with top-performing natural deodorant and natural skincare.
If you’re still reading – THANK YOU!
Now excuse me while I go have a chemical-laden snack of hydrogen, oxygen, potassium, iron and magnesium; aka a glass of water and a banana!
Cheryl Lewis - Co-Owner No3 Ltd